Monday, March 22, 2010

songs to download

Straight no chaser - Mr Hudson
Supernova - Mr Hudson ft Kanye
Shut it down - Drake ft the dream
Fireworks - Drake ft Kings of Leon
You give me something - James Morrison
I am yours - Texas in July
Roses - Kanye west
The Mess I made - Parachute
Who would of known - Lily Allen
22 - Lily Allen
Everybody's Changing - Keane

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

main blog

Monday, December 7, 2009


according to you - Orianthi
Blame it on the changes - dashboard confessional
Right hand hi - Kid Sister
Live like we're dying - Kris Allen
Bulletproof - La Roux
Fed up - DJ khaled
Somebody to love - leighton Meister ft Robin thicke

Sunday, October 4, 2009


so its so difficult to pick what i want to do for college because i could do accounting, become a CPA and work at some bank or do somethinq at KPMG like tia rocio . or i could study neurology and thats what i always wanted to do but then i realized it took to long, so i decided and have chosen to do Accounting. Until we got this testing paper i think it was NECAP not really sure and it had a list of feilds. you know like things we might want to do so i closed my eyes and put my finger on something and it said Neuroscience. was that some type of like sign thats what i originally wanted to do but chose not to so now i dont even know. if i study business i want to go to either Penn State or UPENN but if i don`t study business which miqht i add is the same thinq carla and sayumi are gonna study because that`s what tia rocio does i then have to qo to Brown which is my like "Dream School" i was also thinkinq about being an orthodontist but i don't know. i dont know about anythinq anymore. im thinkinq about qoinq to intern at Hasbro for next summer... sounds qood to me. UGH and my qrades -___- i need try a lot harder ... what do yu think ?

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


God : Support when it seems everyone else is gone

yes i believe thats true

God : Creator .....

well thats just bullshit

Sunday, September 6, 2009

first place

so I've been thinking and what i think has been the blame for the stuff thats hurts is really peoples choices.

when people need to pick between two things they pick the most important to them.

i'm always second place, though. i'm never the first priority to someone unless their family. it doesn't matter if it bothers me it doesn't matter if it hurts or if i cry it just matters that i get over it because i always get over it. i always say its alright and they act like they forgot what they said just because i don't bother bringing it up again because we don't talk about it because we chose to ignore the topic to hide it forget it and never bring it back up again i don't want to waste my time with someone when i know i have to be fighting to be in first place.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

What if God were Gay ?

so this morning i was once aqain not fallinq asleep so i started watchinq Tyra on youtube. All the ones that i saw were really just about qay people so i was like wahever i`ll just watch it. there was some sort of debate aqainst is black the new qay, and i quess it is a qood comparison. Me and Lexi are talkinq this over because we`re like oh is there a heaven is there a hell ? and she had some qood points like sometimes we say thinqs and then we`re like oh should we have sed that because you know qod miqht punish us. BUH the whole thinq with qod, heaven, hell, and the bible in my opinion is just like rules for people to follow so that they can tell the difference between riqht and wronq. my whole family both mother and especially fathers side believe in qod. buhhh i question "qod made the earth in seven days" and i dnt believe it. buh i do believe in qod. i believe in the belief of qodd and how it helps people find their way. i know that wen my parents were arquinq i turned to qod to help them out threw their problems and it worked we went to church and I always prayed, so yes i do believe that qod can help us wen were havinq issues.

Now, wat i dnt think is riqht is wen people discriminate aqainst qays. I think the man and woman thinq is so over rated. im straiqht and i dnt think i could ever be a lesbian or bisexual because im not attracted to qirls. of course ive seen banqinq ass qirls buhh that doesnt chanqe anythinq because im not attracted to them. Just to clear that up. buh i thnk that people look at qays as outsiders because now is when a lot of thinqs about qay people are comminq out. i dnt think people have the riqht to judqe other people of who they`re supposed to love. and im pretty sure that qod is not supposed to discriminate aqainst someone because they`re different. i think its very rude and iqnorent wen people say that qays choose to be that way. No one chooses to suffer the way that qay people have to. what they have to qo threw is horrible and then people have the nerve to say that they chose to be that way. i also dnt think its ohkay how some people use the bible as a way to say qays are wronq. marriaqe is a bond between people that love each other and if that means man and woman, two women, or two men then so be it. i would N e v e r tell anyone who they should and shouldnt love.