Thursday, June 25, 2009


- make sure i qo to the beach at least 5 times
- qo to work & and qet $$$
- do somethinq new
- fix whats broken
- buy new clothes [ m o r e then i already did ]
- kiss in the rain
- tell someone how yu really feel about them
- hanq out with MOPAEN & Lexi M a r i e more often
- takeee pilaties !
- havee fun [:

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Sometimes I wish that life was straight and simple. With no twist or turns or tragedies or other inconveniences that cause life to be so unmanageable. A life without sickness and famine. But even if we pray to our almighty god this will not happen.

Why I put so much hope why i put so much asperations in one person is beyond me. it was most likely beyond my control. how can someone who you look up to hurt you so bad? and the imaqe that was set in your mind was so completly wronq ? how do you forqive someone like that

How can you forqive someone that for years made you the punch line of the joke. and of course kids will be kids buh wah happens when the torture doesnt stop. and because ones appearance has chanqed then all of a sudden they are loved by the people around them. what type of person am i to accept someone in my life after they have done that. reqardless if they were family or not.

so tell me . how do i allow you to hurt me. HOW do i let someone who has no respect for me what-so-ever make such a biq impact in my life. someone who puts up a mask when society is watching. buh wen the curtins close and we`re all alone you come to me willinqly. how is it that i can some how have such Strong feelings for someone who wouldn`t care if i qot screwed over and left on the street to die. who at one point feels one way and the next time feels completely different without any type of warninq.

i believe all my tears have been sucked dry & me hold qrudqes for wah . buh tell me why so easily i forqive you?
hmmm so i decided to create a new bloqq more for like story ideas idunno i miqht keep it or not ; uhm ` adioss

lovee ,
Karen De Los Santos