Thursday, July 30, 2009


have you ever wondered wah happens after you die ?
not that i want to die any time sooon buh wah happens afterward
i dont believe in heaven , so if there was one
would i not qo cause i ddnt believe in it while i was alive
are we reincarnated i want to see the world aqain
mostly i want to see the sun aqain
i dunno why that always comes up in my head
have you ever wondered wah people will do
wah they`ll say

have you ever thouqht that time went by to slow
your used to seeinq time fly by in movies
everyones an adult
and theres always that 10 years later thinq
why cant that happen now
life seems to qo pretty slow
even tho the world seems to say it flys by
sometimes i wonder small stuff like
will i be succesful or sometimes i wonder
will i own a biq house have a nice car
meet a qood man .
who will i marry ?
what will my kids look like
some times it bothers me how slow time qoes by
or how a day qoes by quickly buh qrowinq up
seems to take forever .

Sometimes i wonder if ill qet to travel to Tokyo
or Milan , which is the first place ima qo to wen i
can travel
i wonder if i will qet into brown
my dream school
i doubt it , sometimes i wonder
if anyone will take me seriously
even my ex best friend cant take me serious
" theres a difference from beinq pretty and pretty dumb " - Mr. Major
i know he meant i wasnt pretty dumb
buh why does no one else see it
maybe its cause i never show effort

i wonder if my mom thinks i have problems
no one tells their dauqhter they have to qo
a phycoloqist or whatever
i dnt think thats normal
its also not normal to be up at this time buh thats beyond the point
theres a lot of thinqs that bother me sometimes
answers to questions i dnt have
sometimes i wish i could see the future
or that someone could just press a fast forward button on my life
buh then , whats the fun in life
if you know everythinq before it happens
its like watchinq a movie buh knowinq how it ends
wahs the point of watchinq it in the first place ?

how to remember

my life was never special
it wasnt made into a
specific movie
it wasnt filled with
crazy nights
and boys
its normal
so i made a collection
of it all and here qoes
hello karen , hows the weather down there ?

Friday, July 24, 2009


so me and jeffrey are over and i quess the only person who will know that is yeriel since he`s really the only one who reads it [ hi yeriel ] well idunnno i quess i saw it comminq for the past lke few days i knew it was comminq & i wrote a break up poem on the 19th .. and todays the 24th lolz . idunno its kinda weird not talkinq to him buhh wah he sed really hurtt . wahever these aree the reaasonns whyy i dnt like liknq people ... im not qood with sayinq qoodbyee . hmm well idunno wahh else to write quess im done .

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

` lalala

hmm i quess ill just put this out there since no one reads chaseUSforever bloq .

jeffrey - idunno wahs really qoinq on between us , sometimes i know that thinqs just arent qonna wrk buh then others i jus really dnt care . maybe wah lexi sed was riqht or maybe not . i dnt like him jus cause he has a car [ -_________________- ] that was very stupid of her to say . i like that i can actually see him . well sorta see him since im super busy . buh theres somethinq about him that makes me smilee and qives me butterflies that really hurt . i have the stranqest butterflies ever. & hes the first quy ive liked since oliver even tho my feelinqs for him lasted like a day - ohkay bad comparison . first person i liked since aura . hmm . yeaa . the difference between tho two is jeffreys cuter and i love his smmilee moree and ` lalala all that other qood stuff ;

"yur hearts beatinq madd hard " - karen
" no its not , i think thats yur heart " - jeffrey
" LMAO , it is myy hearttt " - karen

lolz my heart was racinqq and his was beatinq real s l o w lmao -- *

hmm , wow this is kinda weird ohkay im done ;

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


friends forever they would write one day and thats the way they thouqht that it would stay but now they live two different lives in two different places forqettnq all about their promises and the wishes that they made toqether there lonq forqotten memories the ones that yu dnt ever easily remember the ones that need to be duqq up and found deep inside yur mind so wen they saw each other for the first time in a lonq time they couldnt help but smile they couldnt help buh think about those distant memories catchinq up they leave talkinq of their qoals and dreams about heartaches and first loves . first kisses their first jobs. they fit so easily like two missinq puzzle pieces that were just found easily fit and just like they came they faded away . buh destiny plays it roles aqain he never followed threw on his plan and she was left alone in the streets of a busy city thouqht her life was perfect buh it was now far from it ; and she walks alone on the filled streets looks threw windows looks at lifee and not lonq hes back riqht ware he belonqs next to her and they realize how qravity brunq him riqht back to her riqht back to ware he needs to be riqht back to where hes needed next to her with her helpinq her and their lives qo on love is never lost their love never qone waitinq patiently for them to be ware they were supposed to be all along

Monday, July 6, 2009

list of BOOKS

  1. blue is for niqhtmares
  2. uqlies
  3. pretties
  4. specials
  5. jade qreen
  6. riqht behind yu
  7. 13 reasons why
  8. house on manqo street
  9. romeo and juliet
  10. niqht
  11. White is for magic
  12. Silver is for secrets
  13. Red is for rememberence
  14. the truth about forever
  15. twiliqht
  16. new moon
  17. eclipse
  18. breakinq dawn
  19. series of unfortunate events + 10
  20. number the stars
  21. Push
  22. Sadako and the 1000 paper cranes
  23. that book with the cheatinq wifeee
  24. breadwinner
  25. lord of the flies
  26. outsiders
  27. blood and chocolate
  28. Treacherous Love
  29. of mice and men
  30. that snow book by qary paulson ;
  31. a deadly qame of magic
  32. seance
  33. qo ask alice
  34. harry potter and the chamber of secrets
  35. harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban
  36. To be free
  37. all those treehouse books
  38. the qiver
  39. slam
  40. that other poem book
  41. that book ware the kidd qoes bakq in time with the marbles
  42. to kill a mockinq bird
  43. the eqypt boook
  44. the fast food book
  45. hoot
  46. frindle
  47. a child called it
  48. It happened to Nancy
  49. sisterhood of the travelinq pants
  50. the roswell series
  51. a wrinkle in time
  52. roll of thunder hear my cry
  53. james and the qiant peach
  54. windixie
  55. case of the doq in the niqht time book
  56. terrorist
  57. Annies baby
  58. homecominq
  59. andromeda strain
  60. timeline
  61. Dreamland
  62. This Lullaby
  63. Just Listen
  64. Girl Overboard 
  65. Dead is the new black
  66. Dead is a state of mind


  • July 7th to July 12th - East side - HOPE hiqhschool - JOB
  • July 10th - i Love Yu beth cooper comes outtt & family leaves to florida w.out me >=
  • July 11th - School Carwash ? idek lmao
  • July 13th - Exchanqe city - JOB
  • July 15th - HARRY POTTER w. Lexi & daurys birthday -_- not as excitinq as harry potter
  • July 17th - Last day of summer school !!! thank qod
  • July 20th - abuela`s birthday ... i think lolz
  • Auqust 2nd - WATER COUNTRY w. Amir & Diqna
  • Auqust 4th - Orphan & the UGLY truth comes outt [:
  • August 7th - Miguel comes back from DR =D
  • August 16th - Mami`s birthday
  • & then the dominican festivle which is sometime in Auqust
  • ooh and tomorrow ima qo see J e l e n y [:
  • & then fridayy qo see Cardoza , Keishanna . if my mom lets me
  • & i dunno wen ima see jeffrey aqain lolz . buhh ill make room for him .