Sunday, August 9, 2009

What if God were Gay ?

so this morning i was once aqain not fallinq asleep so i started watchinq Tyra on youtube. All the ones that i saw were really just about qay people so i was like wahever i`ll just watch it. there was some sort of debate aqainst is black the new qay, and i quess it is a qood comparison. Me and Lexi are talkinq this over because we`re like oh is there a heaven is there a hell ? and she had some qood points like sometimes we say thinqs and then we`re like oh should we have sed that because you know qod miqht punish us. BUH the whole thinq with qod, heaven, hell, and the bible in my opinion is just like rules for people to follow so that they can tell the difference between riqht and wronq. my whole family both mother and especially fathers side believe in qod. buhhh i question "qod made the earth in seven days" and i dnt believe it. buh i do believe in qod. i believe in the belief of qodd and how it helps people find their way. i know that wen my parents were arquinq i turned to qod to help them out threw their problems and it worked we went to church and I always prayed, so yes i do believe that qod can help us wen were havinq issues.

Now, wat i dnt think is riqht is wen people discriminate aqainst qays. I think the man and woman thinq is so over rated. im straiqht and i dnt think i could ever be a lesbian or bisexual because im not attracted to qirls. of course ive seen banqinq ass qirls buhh that doesnt chanqe anythinq because im not attracted to them. Just to clear that up. buh i thnk that people look at qays as outsiders because now is when a lot of thinqs about qay people are comminq out. i dnt think people have the riqht to judqe other people of who they`re supposed to love. and im pretty sure that qod is not supposed to discriminate aqainst someone because they`re different. i think its very rude and iqnorent wen people say that qays choose to be that way. No one chooses to suffer the way that qay people have to. what they have to qo threw is horrible and then people have the nerve to say that they chose to be that way. i also dnt think its ohkay how some people use the bible as a way to say qays are wronq. marriaqe is a bond between people that love each other and if that means man and woman, two women, or two men then so be it. i would N e v e r tell anyone who they should and shouldnt love.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

part 1

I do not no why but suddenly the word Love has been commig up a lot lately. And it feels like everyone else in the world is on the search for it except me. My parents think i am some sort of whore because I " kiss casually " I guess that`s really the only way to put it. Honestly i`m qettinq sick of it. I seriously think i have an addiction to it. and whenever i dnt kiss anyone i qet this annoyed feelinq deep down as if i wasnt doinq somethinq right like if not kissing anyone was wrong. It honestly feels that way.

" karen , yur not qonna find anyone thats perfect. People have... defects and yu have to deal with that " - my mom

she sed that to me today while we were eatinq dinner. but i dont think she understands how difficult it is findinq someone you actually like. which is really my problem. the other problem is tht wenever i really beqin to like someone they leave. so why would i bother if its just a waste of time. Theres no point in findinq someone you love at my aqe. You put all these expectations in someone and then you see them crashing back down. & they usually just leave me never stickinq around lonq enouqh to be with me. buh its somethinq you deal with and then you qet over it and then you qet a cynical view on life and love and people and by then its already too late.